Health Conditions
Other Conditions
No matter what your health condition, taking your medicine as directed can help you lead a longer, healthier life.
Take your medicine and take back your future
Not taking your medicine as directed by your doctor or pharmacist can take a serious toll on your health. But the tools and resources here can help. You’ll learn to work with your doctor or pharmacist to better understand your health problem and what you can do to manage it.
Wallet Cards
Script Your Future Wallet Card
Helps you keep track of your medicine schedule and dose.
Script Your Future Wallet Card – Spanish
Helps you keep track of your medicine schedule and dose. Now in Spanish
Script Your Future Wallet Card – Vietnamese
Helps you keep track of your medicine schedule and dose. Now in Vietnamese
Script Your Future Wallet Card – Hmong
Helps you keep track of your medicine schedule and dose. Now in Hmong
Script Your Future Wallet Card – Russian
Helps you keep track of your medicine schedule and dose. Now in Russian
Script Your Future Wallet Card – Chinese
Helps you keep track of your medicine schedule and dose. Now in Chinese
Adherence Estimator
Questionnaire that helps you and your health care professional have a conversation about you and your medicine.
Question Builder
Build your own list of questions online to bring with on your next visit to the doctor’s office or pharmacy.
Pocket Medicine List
Pocket-sized medicine list to help you keep track of your medicines
Featured Tools
Get the help you need to take your medicine as directed.