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Local coalitions were instrumental in spreading the word about medication adherence for the Script Your Future (SYF) campaign. Coalitions in six cities across the United States created grassroots momentum that brought together diverse groups to work together to raise awareness about the importance of medication adherence, especially for people with chronic conditions. These coalitions are now expanded to statewide initiatives.
This Coalition-in-a-Box can be used to develop a coalition around medication adherence, or any other public health issue, that requires multi-stakeholder engagement to improve community health. This Coalition-in-a-Box includes instructions on how to plan, build, launch, grow and sustain a public health coalition.
Planning Phase
- Figure out what you would like your efforts to focus on, whether it is a disease, an issue within health care, or another topic.
- Name your coalition. If you are interested in establishing a local Script Your Future coalition, please get in touch with us at
- Designate a leader to drive outreach efforts – For the Script Your Future campaign, we selected local field organizers to conduct the on-the-ground outreach to communities. We contracted with field organizers who had extensive connections and experience with building partnerships in their regions.
- Select a community that could benefit from concentrated outreach efforts for the health issue you are attempting to target. Articulate criteria for selecting the outreach area. For the Script Your Future campaign, we used the following criteria to select the location of the initial coalitions:
- prevalence of targeted chronic diseases,
- established presence of complementary adherence efforts,
- presence of medical and/or pharmacy academic institutions,
- geographic diversity,
- demographic diversity, and
- mid-size media market.
- Target Market Selection Process document
Building a coalition
- Develop overarching strategic priorities for your coalition. Strategic priorities address both the need to expand coalition participation and create unique programming around the public health issue. Our local coalition’s work was guided by these goals during the initial three-year period.
- Expand coalition membership
- Sustain active engagement of coalition members
- Participate in or plan community activities that reach our target audiences of patients and health care professionals with campaign messages and materials
- Develop tailored partnerships with individual target market coalition members that bring together tools and resources to reach our target audiences
- Reach out to the media at key times to promote what the campaign is doing in your market
- Strategic plan framework document
- Update the plan quarterly, to guide coalition activities. The best plans have continual input and support from all coalition members.
- Coalition design – Each coalition takes on a shape of its own, but our coalitions had several key elements
- Diverse members – from health care professional groups, patient groups, community organizations, public health agencies and industry
- Steering Committee
- Standing committees/working groups, as needed, to focus on event planning or specific tasks
- Clear organizational structure
- Survey the landscape to find the key players and potential partners who can be involved and sign on as partners. Keep track of any contacts that you meet or want to meet. Often our best connections came from partners already involved in the coalition who reached out to their colleagues.
- Outreach tracking template document
- Partner form sample
Launching a coalition
- Develop a plan for the public launch of your coalition.
- Design a run of show for the launch event, including your partners and local public officials.
- Reach out to media and keep track of all contacts for launch event and ongoing.
- Debrief and develop a report on the launch for your coalition partners.
Growing coalition and outreach
- Select Champions who can be spokespersons and serve as the public face of your coalition and its work. Champions are critical to sustaining involvement in the campaign.
- Solicit sponsorships from partners and others in the community to help sustain efforts.
- Host events. Ground outreach efforts in other larger public health issues. This is especially key if you pick an issue that doesn’t have a lot of public recognition.
- Click here to access information on how to host an SCRIPT YOUR FUTURE event in your community
- Keep track of all your outreach in the community
Sustaining coalition
- Continue to update Strategic Plan quarterly
- Share bi-weekly reports based on strategic plan with coalition members and partners
- Plan special events
- Use this event planning guide to help – Event planning guide
- Consider surveying coalition members about their involvement and experience in the coalition, as well as future priorities
- Collect stories from patients and other coalition members on the impact of coalition activities. Highlight the stories to the coalition and public.